Genius hour — or 20 percent time — encourages students to spend 20 percent of their class time pursuing something they’re passionate about. Educators have given students free rein or asked them to find something within the confines of their content that they’re passionate about.
This is less a project type (what to make) and more a project topic (what to talk about).
Giving students choice within the confines of the class standards can give them some independence and help them see themselves in the content.
Getting started with Genius Hour:
Step 1: Understand the Concept of Genius Hour
Genius Hour is a movement that allows students to explore their own passions and encourages creativity in the classroom. It’s based on the idea that students are given a set amount of time (usually 20% of their class time) to work on projects they are passionate about.
You Get to Have Your Own Genius Hour (A Video for Students)
Step 2: Set Clear Rules and Expectations
Projects should have a driving question that guides the research. Students must conduct research to learn more about their topic. The results or product of the project should be shared with others.
Step 3: Brainstorm Project Ideas
Encourage students to choose a topic they are passionate about. Help them formulate open-ended questions that will drive their research.
Step 4: Plan the Research
Assist students in planning how they will gather information. Discuss different research methods and sources they can use.
Step 5: Execute the Project
Provide time and resources for students to work on their projects. Monitor progress and offer guidance as needed.
Step 6: Share the Results
Have students prepare a presentation or demonstration of what they’ve learned. Create an opportunity for students to share their work with the class or a broader audience.
Step 7: Reflect on the Learning Process
After the presentation, encourage students to reflect on what they learned and how they can apply it in the future. Discuss any new questions that arose during the project that could lead to further exploration.
Additional Resources: